Thursday, January 7, 2010

Videos: Montreal River, North Falls & Otter Camp

Back in September of '09 we did a day trip on the Montreal River followed by 3 days of paddling on the Churchill River. We posted about that recently and you can find all the details and photos at this link. Rob took some videos with a water-proof point & shoot camera. Here are those videos.

The first video was taken as we cruised a Class 1 section of the Montreal River. The camera was bungee corded to the bow plate of the canoe for the down-river point of view. 

This next video was taken from the North shore of First North Falls. We're not sure what Rod said, but Jay and Bryan sure thought it was funny.

Finally, here is a video showing our campsite on Otter Lake a couple of kilometers from Robertson Falls. Bryan is building some tasty cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

For the full report visit

Apparently there are more videos to come but Rob has to edit them for language first.

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